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Getting started with Bug Bounty!

Hey, Guys Hope you all are doing well. I started my journey in bug bounties around 1.5 years ago, and I am thankful to all the members of security community who share their knowledge to the community. I have learned a lot of things from them and I am still learning new things daily from fellow hackers, hacking is a continuous process and ultimately reflects a state of mind. I have received a lot of messages from people's asking me how to start, where to start in bug bounties. So I have decided to write a blog which contain as much information which helps for beginners. Quote- "Hacking is a lifelong Journey of Learning " Table of Content Introduction Reading Practicing Connect with community Ask Questions Motivation Certifications Conclusion Introduction What is bug bounty? To get a basic understanding of the role, the name itself is quite self-explanatory. A bug bounty hunter looks for bugs in applications and platforms, which they later
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10 Rules of Bug Bounty

1.Targeting the Bug Bounty Program How long you target the program ? If the Answer is Just Few Hour’s or a night, Then That’s where you are doing wrong .Bug Hunting is Matter of Skill’s and Luck .Spending just few hours on program’s could be waste Because those bugs are mostly reported.You May end up getting depressed by duplicates , would suggest to at least choose any program Spend a week on it . Big Bug’s Takes time. Take your time to understand the Functionality of the application. keep writing notes and track of Suspicious endpoint’s. Because you’re not going to earn much for known issue unless you’re very early to report. If you find out about a public program after 10/12 hours of its launching. Don’t waste your time looking for known issues or low hanging fruit .Just take a deep dive into the application. 2. How do you Approach the Target ? If Answer is Just by Signing up at Target , Checking For Vulnerabilities like CSRF, XSS,Subdomain’s etc , Then This Cou